Author: Agronomy Expert

  • Embracing the Future of Agriculture; A deep Dive to Organic Farming.

    Introduction to Organic Farming Organic farming is more than just a method of agriculture; it’s a lifestyle, a commitment to working in harmony with nature rather than against it. Unlike conventional farming, which often relies on synthetic chemicals and monocultures, organic farming focuses on sustainability, biodiversity, and the health of…

  • Soil pH Demystified: How to Achieve Optimal Growth for Your Crops”

    what is soil PH? soil PH basically is the soil alikalinity and soil acidity. PH values ranges from 0-14. Whereby; >7 that soil is alkaline, <7 that soil is acidic while 7 the soil is said to be neutral. Fi.g 1. A diagram showing nutrients availability at different PH .…

  • Laurel Wilt in Avocado

    Laurel wilt in Avocado Background information Laurel wilt is a destructive vascular disease affecting avocado trees and other members of the Lauraceae family. It is caused by the fungus Raffaelea lauricola, which is symbiotically associated with the redbay ambrosia beetle (Xyleborus glabratus). The beetle, native to Asia, was first detected…

  • Symptoms of Nitrogen deficiency in Tomato.

    Here are some of the common Symptoms of N deficiency in tomato plant.